Many of us are thinking about how we can change our lives. One of the most effective options is to move to another country. Or start studying, again, in another country. The first reaction to such a statement is fear of the unknown and of the difficulties ahead. But it’s not as scary as it seems at first glance. The first step on the way to radical changes is language learning. And a new language is the key to the door to a new life. The Polish Language School “PolskiPapa” offers not only to start or continue studying Polish in Poland, but also to enroll in prestigious universities of this country.

Why does PolskiPapa offer training in Poland?

If you still decide to start studying outside of your country, but still have not decided on the country, pay attention to Poland. Here are some of the advantages of studying in Poland:

  • ► Proximity. Territorial, cultural, mental

Poland is one of the closest European countries. Besides, the language and culture here are Slavic. This helps to easily find mutual understanding and facilitates the process of integration into a new culture.

  • ► Quality education

Education in Poland corresponds not only to the European level (Poland participates in the Bologna process), but also to the international level. The education system complies with the international standards of the European Higher Education Quality Assurance Association (ENQUA) and the International Standards of Education Classification (ISCED).

  • ► Poland is in the Bologna process…

…and this means that after graduation your diploma is recognized in all countries of the European Union, and you can easily find a prestigious and well-paid job.

This is just the beginning of a long list of advantages of studying in Poland. For more information, sign up for a free consultation with specialists BookYourStudy.

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