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Do you want to get an education in Europe, but do not know how to do it? Specialists of the international department of the Polish language school PolskiPapa will help you choose educational institutions in Poland.

Free secondary education in Poland

First of all, after the 9th grade of secondary school, you can enroll in a lyceum or a technical school in Poland and get a free secondary education. Education will be free in most public and some private lyceums and technical schools in Poland, provided that education is in Polish. Lyceums and technical schools provide accommodation and meals for foreigners. .

The main areas of study at lyceums are philology, computer science-mathematics-physics, natural sciences, social sciences. The list of subjects required for admission to lyceums and technical schools in Poland varies from institution to institution. Before admission, contact the specialists of the BookYourStudy international department, they will give advice on the Polish education system, help you choose an educational institution, submit documents and get a visa.

Training on the Pole Map

For holders of a Pole Card, studying at Polish state universities at all levels of study (bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral studies) in Polish is free of charge. This is one of the main reasons why they seek to open a Pole card. If you have Polish roots, you can take courses to get a Pole card at the Polish language school PolskiPapa. The main requirements are that the training should be stationary, and the student should know Polish at the B1–B2 level. Moreover, students who study under the same conditions as Polish citizens can also apply for scholarships:

  • Social Scholarship;
  • Special scholarship for the disabled;
  • Rector’s Scholarship for the best students;
  • Minister’s Scholarship for Outstanding scientific achievements and achievements in Sports;
  • One-time financial assistance in case of unforeseen life situations.


The Polish Government, international organizations, non-profit organizations, as well as universities themselves establish scholarships. Scholarships cover the cost of undergraduate, graduate, doctoral studies (depending on the chosen scholarship), as well as in some cases accommodation. Some types of scholarships:

  • K. Kalinovsky Scholarship;
  • Scholarship for Masters of Oriental Sciences;
  • S. Banach Scholarship;
  • Scholarship for Doctors of Sciences in the humanities and social sciences.

Free tuition at some universities in Poland

It is not surprising that many graduates dream of continuing their studies at universities in Poland, because in this country you can get a high-quality European education and a prestigious international diploma. In addition to the high level of education, applicants are also attracted by the relatively low cost of studying in Poland, the opportunity to participate in international student exchanges and internships, as well as the opportunity to enter universities without exams, having a diploma of secondary education. Of course, preference for admission to Polish universities is given to Poles, but foreign students can also get a chance to study in this country for free. Of course, the presence of The Pole Card gives more opportunities for free education, however, some state Polish universities provide an opportunity for foreign students to receive free education in some specialties without a Pole Card.

  1. Warsaw Polytechnic University
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Warsaw Polytechnic is one of the best technical educational institutions in Poland. The specialties that students of this university acquire are in demand on the European labor market and beyond. The university has 17 faculties that cover all fields of science and technology. Every year, about 6,000 foreign citizens become students of the Warsaw Polytechnic. For applicants from non-EU countries, this university provides a unique opportunity to receive free education in a stationary form of study, both at the first stage of education (bachelor’s degree) and in the master’s degree. The number of places is 1% of the total number of places for the relevant specialties, and admission is carried out on a competitive basis. To do this, all candidates must register in the electronic system of the university, pay a non-refundable registration fee of 200 euros and complete a written test in mathematics and physics or chemistry (optional). And it is based on the results of the test that the lucky ones who have received the opportunity to study for free are determined. In addition, Warsaw Polytechnic University organizes monthly exam preparation courses. The University offers training in the following specialties (bachelor’s and master’s degrees): administration, Automation and robotics, Construction, Information systems and technologies, Economics, electronics, electrical engineering, power engineering, technical physics, geodesy and cartography, architectural environment design, computer science, biomedical engineering, Chemical and processor engineering, Materials Science, environmental engineering, aviation and cosmonautics, mathematics, mechanics and mechanical engineering, mechatronics, environmental protection, printing production, chemical technology, telecommunications, transport, management, management and production engineering. The language of instruction is Polish. Applicants must provide the commission with all the necessary documents in time:

  • A copy of the certificate (when applying for a bachelor’s degree) or a copy of the diploma (when applying for a master’s degree)
  • A copy of the passport
  • Translation of educational documents into Polish. The translation is carried out by sworn Polish translators. In addition, apostille must be affixed to the documents
  • Two photos 3.5*4.5

2. Silesian University in Katowice

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The University of Warsaw in Katowice is one of the largest public universities in Poland. Currently, about 35,000 students are studying at this university. The university has 12 faculties, and students are offered training in 59 educational areas and 180 specialties. For foreign applicants who do not have a Pole Card, Silesian University offers 250 places for free tuition. The selection is carried out on a competitive basis. Upon admission, the average score of the certificate or diploma is taken into account, as well as the level of proficiency in the Polish language (the certificate of proficiency in the Polish language is not taken into account. Upon admission, all foreigners take a language proficiency test). No additional exams are required, except for creative specialties. Applicants who have a certificate confirming the level of language proficiency issued by the Polish State Commission are exempt from the Polish language proficiency test. The language test and interview are conducted online on Skype. The test consists of several parts:

  • Colloquial speech
  • Reading and understanding written text
  • Essay
  • Oral interview

It is important to remember that applicants for free education have the right to apply for only one place among the following areas:

  1. Faculty of Economics: economics, land management, international economics, economics and public administration, logistics
  2. Faculty of Finance and Insurance: Finance and Accounting, Finance and Management in Healthcare
  3. Faculty of Computer Science and Communications: computer science and econometrics, computer science, journalism and public communication
  4. Faculty of Management: Management, Computer Science and Econometrics, Logistics, International Economic Relations, Tourism Business, Economic Analytics

In addition, those enrolled in free education cannot apply for a scholarship and financial support from the university. Submission of documents for admission is made electronically on the university’s website. You must provide the following documents:

  • Identity and citizenship document
  • Certificate of full secondary education with grades and translation into Polish with apostille and legalization
  • Document confirming knowledge of the Polish language
  • Certificate that the certificate entitles you to enter universities in the country in which it was issued
  • Photo in electronic form

After enrollment, students must provide the originals of the following documents:

  • Identity and citizenship document
  • Visa
  • Certificate of full secondary education with grades and sworn translation into Polish, with apostille
  • Confirmation of knowledge of the Polish language (level B2 and above)
  • Medical certificate with sworn translation
  • Medical policy
  • Questionnaire from the IRK system with a personal signature
  • Statement of compliance with the competitive conditions
  • Photo
  1. University of Economics in Katowice
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The University of Economics in Katowice is one of the largest and most prestigious educational institutions in Poland in the field of economics and management. Graduates of this university are in demand in the labor market throughout Europe and beyond. Every year, the Rector’s Office of the University of Economics announces a competition for free tuition for foreign students who do not have the opportunity to study as citizens of Poland. The best participants are exempt from payment for the entire period of study (bachelor’s degree – 3 years). Foreign applicants can choose one of the specialties in the following areas:

  1. Faculty of Economics: Economics, International Economic Relations, Logistics (Engineering Management), Economics and Public Administration, Spatial Economics
  2. Faculty of Finance and Insurance: Finance and Accounting, Finance and Management in Healthcare
  3. Faculty of Computer Science and Communications: Computer Science, Computer Science and Econometrics, Journalism and Public Communications
  4. Faculty of Management: Management, International Economic Relations, Logistics, Tourism Economics, Economic Analytics

The rules of participation in the competition may change every year, however, as a rule, applicants need to write a competitive paper (essay) in Polish, and also need to attach:

  1. Application for participation in the competition
  2. A copy of the original passport
  3. Certificate with translation into Polish with apostille
  4. Confirmation of knowledge of the Polish language
  5. A medical certificate confirming the absence of contraindications to training.

Conditions for admission: high academic performance in the certificate, knowledge of the Polish language (level B2 and above), essay on a given topic

  1. Polytechnic University of Lodz
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The Polytechnic University in Lodz is one of the oldest state universities in Poland. The university is known for the fact that education is conducted here in three languages: Polish, English or French. In addition, this university is actively developing a system of double diplomas, i.e. students can get a double diploma by studying in France, Finland, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Spain and Denmark. After graduating from the Lodz Polytechnic, students receive a state diploma of the European standard. To date, there are 9 faculties offering about 120 different specialties, and about 20,000 students from different countries study here. The Polytechnic University provides a unique opportunity for foreign applicants to study for free in Polish. In total, 26 free places are allocated for bachelor’s or master’s degrees, which are distributed according to the results of the certificate competition based on the calculation of the highest average score in specialized subjects without entrance exams. Applicants entering as foreigners must register online and send copies of the following documents:

  • Applicant’s application form (it is necessary to download and print from the Recruitment Portal)
  • Motivation letter (must be downloaded and filled in)
  • Certificate and supplement to it (upon admission to the bachelor’s degree) or bachelor’s degree with supplement to it (upon admission to the Master’s degree)
  • Translation by a sworn translator of the certificate / diploma into Polish
  • Language certificate
  • A copy of the first page of the passport
  • Confirmation of the entrance fee of 85 zlotys (120-150 zlotys if the applicant passes the creative exam)

After enrolling in the university, you must send the originals of the following documents:

  • Applicant’s questionnaire
  • Certificate\ diploma and supplement to it with translation into Polish or English, with apostille and legalization
  • A copy of the visa
  • Two photos (3,7*5,2)
  • Medical certificate with translation into Polish or English
  • Extract of vaccinations with translation (for applicants under 19 years old)
  • Medical insurance
  1. Polytechnic University in Bialystok
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Bialystok Polytechnic University is the largest technical university in northeastern Poland, with a 65-year history. This educational institution is popular among students for its location, as well as a carefully designed curriculum that meets all the needs of the labor market. To date, the university has 7 faculties and about 10,000 students study. Since September 25, 2017, a new specialty “Construction and Building Systems Engineering” (Construction and Engineering Systems of Buildings) has been opened at the Faculty of Construction and Environmental Engineering, which allows both Polish and foreign students to study for free at the stationary department of the 1st stage of education in English. According to the Deputy Dean for Student and Didactic Affairs of the Faculty of Construction and Environmental Engineering of the Bialystok Polytechnic University, Dr. Eng. Malgorzaty Lelyush, this specialty is designed for the best graduates of Polish schools, as well as foreigners who want to study at this university. Students are provided with a scholarship in the amount of 1,500 zloty/month during their studies, as well as assistance and support from curators. Candidates for admission to this specialty are selected on a competitive basis (certificate score in the subjects “mathematics”, “physics”, “English” + confirmation of the level of English proficiency). In addition, various achievements of candidates are evaluated (participation in conferences, scientific activities, etc.) In addition, the University of Wroclaw, the Wroclaw Polytechnic and the Higher School of Banking offer a certain number of free places for foreign applicants within the framework of the project “Teraz Wrocław” “Teraz Wrocław” – a program addressed to applicants – citizens of non-member countries EU that do not have a Pole Card. Any candidate who meets the following requirements can take part in this program:

  1. Availability of a certificate of secondary education
  2. Bachelor’s degree (for those entering the Master’s program)
  3. Polish language proficiency at level B1 and above

Within the framework of this program, each university allocates a certain number of free places (the exact number of places is determined annually). Candidates who are exempt from tuition fees are selected on a competitive basis based on the average score of the certificate, the level of proficiency in the Polish language, assessment in specialized subjects and a motivation letter. Students enrolled in free places do not receive a scholarship or any other financial support from universities, and are also required to pay for their own accommodation in a hostel and living expenses in Wroclaw.  

  1. Wroclaw University
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Wroclaw State University is one of the oldest universities in Central and Eastern Europe with a rich history and traditions. To date, the university has 10 faculties offering training in more than 60 areas, about 30,000 students study here. This university is the only university in Poland belonging to the worldwide ISEP exchange network, so it is not surprising that the University of Wroclaw is so popular among foreign students (more than 1,200 foreigners from 100+ countries of the world). Within the framework of the “Teraz Wrocław” project, the university offers 10 free undergraduate places (1 at each faculty) and 10 free master’s degree places (1 at each faculty), except for the directions in English and English philology. In order to become a candidate for a free place, you need to register in the Wroclaw University system and download scans of the following documents:

  • Certificate of secondary education/Bachelor’s degree with an appendix to it, with an apostille affixed and translated into Polish
  • Foreign passport (page with photo and data)
  • Application for admission to study
  • Medical certificate with translation into Polish
  • Receipt of recruitment fee (90 euros)

It is also necessary to register in the IRK system, print out the questionnaire, sign it and bring it with you to study along with the original documents, as well as a copy of insurance, a photo, a copy of the visa.

  1. Wroclaw Polytechnic
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Wroclaw Polytechnic is considered to be the largest one of the best Polish technical universities. This university is one of the most prestigious in the country, because this educational institution has the largest number of patents, thanks to specially designed training programs that are closely related to scientific research of the latest technologies. It is not surprising that the diploma of the Wroclaw Polytechnic is in demand in the labor market, and university graduates are among the highest paid in Wroclaw. Today, more than 33,000 students study at 12 faculties of the Polytechnic in 39 areas. Within the framework of the “Teraz Wrocław” project, the university offers 3 free undergraduate places with tuition in Polish (candidates are exempt from tuition fees for 1 year). In order to become a candidate for a free place, you need to register in the JSOS system and upload scans of the following documents:

  • Certificate of secondary education/Bachelor’s degree with an appendix to it, with an apostille affixed and translated into Polish
  • Foreign passport (page with photo and personal data)
  • Pass the Polish language exam at the university or have a language proficiency certificate issued by the State Commission
  • Medical certificate with certified translation
  • Insurance policy for the entire period of study (at least 1 year)
  • Confirmation of recruitment payment (200 euros)
  1. Higher Banking School in Wroclaw
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The Higher School of Banking in Wroclaw is one of the largest private business schools in Poland. For many years, the School has held high positions in the rankings of the best higher education institutions. It trains business professionals, specialists in finance and accounting, management, as well as tourism and recreation. New directions have appeared – political science and philology. University teachers are experienced specialists and practitioners in the field of business. Within the framework of the project “Teraz Wrocław” The Higher Banking School offers up to 10 free places in Wroclaw and up to 2 free places in Opole. The main criteria for the selection of candidates are diplomas and certificates confirming active activity, as well as the results of an interview for language proficiency. In order to become a candidate for a free place, you must send copies of the following documents:

  • Certificate of secondary education/Bachelor’s degree with an appendix to it with translation into Polish
  • International passport (photo and data page
  • Certificate of knowledge of the Polish language (or pass a test interview)
  • Consent of one of the parents
  • Receipt of recruitment payment
  • Insurance
  • Medical certificate

After arrival to study, original documents are provided, as well as current color photographs.

Do you want an individual selection of an educational institution in Poland? Sign up for a free consultation on obtaining a free higher education in Poland by phone +1 888 570 09 1

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