Polish for Children Online

Helping your children to love Polish

Bring your children to Polish courses online, at PolskiPapa! Knowledgeable and friendly teachers work with students individually and group. Students range in age from 7 to 18. Studying with the communicative method is fun and enjoyable, and the first results are visible after just one month.

Individual and group lessons at PolskiPapa

PolskiPapa School

To captivate the child with Polish and maintain the desire to attend classes - the PolskiPapa schoolteachers can easily cope with these tasks. Interactive games and well-chosen manuals allow them to develop in children the ability to easily communicate in modern Polish.

Why choose PolskiPapa?

Good teachers

Everyone knows how to work with children online and knows how to get them interested

Humane prices

From $4,8 per an lesson.

The caring school

You can change teachers if things don't work out.

Contact with parents

Invitation to classes, call the teacher once a month.

International perspectives

Advice on education abroad, discounts on language camps.

Leisure time as a gift

Conversation clubs, after-school games.

How do I start learning?

Leave an application on the website.

We will start to find age-appropriate training options right away.

Participate with your child in a free online lesson.

Determine knowledge a baseline, show how classes are going, choose a format.

Pay the tuition fee.

Payment is made before the start of individual training - for the selected package of lessons.

Get to class


Step by step towards fluent Polish

Polish for younger pupils

At the age of 7-9, children begin to learn a foreign language at school. It is important that school science does not turn into torture. That's what PolskiPapa insures against. Polish courses for children online really communicate in Polish, which makes school lessons more meaningful too. The no-strings-attached system eliminates anxiety, but everyone's progress is immediately visible. A predominantly play-based approach to learning is recommended until the age of 12 - that is how we work.

englishpapa для детей
Английский для детей 7–9 лет

Polish for children aged 7-9

  • An informed introduction to the Polish world
  • Game mechanics for memorising words
  • Cartoons and living stories
  • Reading and writing
  • Opportunity to take the first level test
Английский для детей 10–12 лет

Polish for children aged 10-12

  • Beginner and advanced courses
  • Communicating only in Polish, expanding vocabulary
  • Video discussion, board games
  • Creative homework assignments
  • Getting to know native speakers

Polish for middle and high school students

In middle and high school, the child becomes more independent and responsible and forms friends a circle. The most important activity for them is socialising with their peers. Grades become more important - their future career depends on them. Classes are no longer just a game, but also a path to personal language goals. Moreover, it is open to the language speakers. PolskiPapa helps you expand your horizons!

englishpapa для детей
Английский для подростков 13–14 лет

Polish for teenagers
13–14 years old

  • Individual and group lessons for different levels (А1 - С1)
  • Online services for memorising words and practising grammar
  • Webinars and language competitions
  • Topical topics for communication
  • Homework with interesting content
  • Scrabble competition   
Английский для подростков 15–17 лет

Polish for teenagers
aged 15-17

  • Individual and group lessons for different levels (А1 - С1)
  • Linguistic simulators
  • Active speaking practice
  • Preparation for entry to foreign universities
  • Vocabulary in various fields
  • Knowledge for school exams
Языковые лагеря за рубежом

Language camps abroad

  • Full immersion Polish
  • Study + holidays Poland
  • Partner discounts for PolskiPapa students
  • Information support for parents 24/7
In the online group

In PolskiPapa lessons, the computer is proving to be a real learning aid and no longer attracts you with monotonous 'shooters'. Learning quests are more fun! In addition, communicating with friends from different countries broadens the social experience. The online format is especially suitable for teenagers who are receptive to new technology. All learning activities are adapted to the virtual environment, and the teacher has been specially trained for distance learning. Classes are held twice a week.

Individually online

You can start your individual tuition online from any point on the language learning scale. You can create a personalised programme and choose a teacher on request, including a native speaker. The online format is especially convenient if the child lives out of town or is often away from the country. Individual lessons are preferable when you need to catch up with a higher-level group, fill the gaps in knowledge and quickly prepare for the exam. Lesson duration is 30 or 50 minutes, depending on age. 2-3 lessons per week are recommended

In cooperation with parents

Learning goes better when parents are around. You do not have to tutor your child - you just have to choose a course where he or she is interested. And then just find out how things are going and praise them for their progress. To ensure that parents are not left out, we invite mum or dad to a trial lesson with their child and offer a 10-minute call with the teacher every month. Additional parental visits during term time are possible by arrangement.

englishpapa для детей

After school hours

When PolskiPapa students gather, they only speak Polish! Participation in leisure activities is a free bonus to our classes.

Mafia club

You have not played Mafia in Polish yet. It is time to fix that! Parlour games are the best way to overcome the language barrier!

Melting Pot

A conversation club where everyone adds their own stories to the common pot. The teacher makes sure that no one stays quiet. Native speakers participate.

Scrabble Game

A famous linguistic board game that even has championships. The best way to develop verbal intelligence and master spelling.

Cartoon Club

A club open specifically for children. We watch cartoons in Polish and then discuss what we see.

englishpapa для детей

Sign up for a free trial lesson