350+ satisfied companies

Polish for corporate training

We will select a course based on the company and the employees goals
Award and our other accomplishments in the Educational field
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School PolskiPapa

PolskiPapa is a school that will always support you in anything regarding the Polish language and its studies. We teach online, and we work with adults, teenagers and children, as well as with private and corporate clients.

+ 1 level every 70 hours
Online studies
Personal manager of the company
Schedule 24/7
Online platform
Speaking club with native speakers

Our teachers

  • Pedagogical and linguistic education
  • Over 5 years of experience
  • Are chosen according to each client and level
  • Regularly train abroad, attend educational conferences and seminars around the world

We work with over 400 companies all around the globe


New opportunities for you and for your employees

Free communication

Feel confident during official negotiations with foreign partners

Professional development

Develop professionally by studying special foreign educational literature that is not available in translation

Informal speech

Communicate with foreign partners at informal events

Business correspondence

Conduct business correspondence in Polish

International conferences

Feel confident while attending international conferences, exhibitions, traveling and during business trips

Business presentations

Easily conduct presentations in Polish


Leave a request for your corporate training
