PolskiPapa's Q&A

We tried our best to answer the most frequently asked questions


Frequently Asked Questions


Before the lesson you will receive a link to join the virtual classroom where the lessons will take place. During this first lesson we will: - set clear goals that will inspire you to study
- determine your level of Polish
- choose a teacher and a group for your lessons
- discuss the posibilities of a virtual classroom
If you have studied Polish before, part of the dialogue will be held in Polish. Do not hesitate if you think you have trouble speaking, the dialogue will be directed by the methodologist. This is not an exam!


The trial lesson is conducted by methodologists who specialize in introducing students to the school.They all know Polish well, have a pedagogical education, and have specially studied the work style of each of the school’s teachers. Therefore, any of the methodologists can do several important things: - determine exactly from what level the student should continue his studies. - show how the virtual classroom works. - сhoose a teacher who is suitable for the student. It’s not just about the level of knowledge, but also about the style of conducting classes and even the pace of communication.


If your level is “Beginner”, then it would be useful the set some goals for your Polish studies. Also you would learn how the virtual classroom works, and we will be able to choose a fitting teacher for you. If you have studied Polish before, then we should clarify your level. We are talking about your level based on the CEFR scale (A1 to C2).


Treat it as a full-fledged lesson:
– Spare the lesson 45 minutes of your time, and put your other things aside.
– Plan beforehand some questions that you would like to ask our methodologist.
– Think about your learning goals, so that you can discuss them with your methodologist and make a realistic studying program.
– Join the lesson via computer or laptop with a camera, not via your smartphone.
- This way you will get some benefits from this trial lesson even if you won’t continue studying with us.


We are not just language courses, but a full-fledged online Polish language school. We teach Polish for all levels, work with private and corporate clients, offer individual and group classes. We want a foreign language to help as many people as possible achieve their goals in life and career and become part of the global world. Therefore, we try to keep affordable prices and offer reasonable terms for mastering each new level.


Not many schools besides PolskiPapa can offer these 3 opportunities simultaneously:
1. We work with certified teachers. Our teachers are sociable and are able to engage into dialogue even the most shy students.
2. In addition to studying, we offer our students free meetings in conversation clubs. Often native speakers take part in those clubs.
3. Our school cooperates with international networks of Polish schools, adopting their teaching methods and offering Polish language courses abroad with discounts.


We work according to a communicative methodology, which involves the study of all language competencies (listening, speaking, reading and writing) based on oral speech. You will speak Polish from the first lesson and will definitely overcome the language barrier. Find out about other aspects of learning Polish at PolskiPapa by selecting a question of interest from the list.


Results are noticeable when both the teacher and the student do a good job. The quality of our teacher’s ways of theaching is verified, while the results you will see for yourself. At the end of every semester you will undergo a test to discover how much you have improved. You check the improvement of communication skills at the meetings of our talking clubs, communicating with people from different countries. If it is uncomfortable to study with a particular teacher, it will be possible to change it.


This is a controversial question, and it depends on various factors. What are your goals on learning Polish? What level do you aspire to achieve? There are 6 levels in total: after mastering A1 you will be able to express yourself using some pre-learned phrases and expressions, after completing C2 you will be able to speak at a native’s level. If you need Polish for your work, usually B2-C1 is enough. It will take a year to master around 2 to 3 levels. Depending on the intensity, if you take individual lessons you can achieve B2 in about a year.


Of course you will. Even in your 50s and 60s. We have students around these ages, and it doesn’t mean they learn slower than the others. Older people usually have one issue, and it can sometimes interfere with their group lessons: they are afraid to make mistakes, which leads them to speaking very little during the lessons. In this case we recommend taking individual lessons.


Indeed you can, but an online test gives only an approximate result, which ideally later still need to be verified by an expert. You can’t examine someone’s pronnunciation and their reaction time to answer. With an online test you can check your vocabulary and understanding of grammar, but this is knowledge, not skill. We have a test like that, check it out: https://polskipapa.com/test-na-uroven-polskogo/ Taking this test does not cancel the trial lesson.


In both cases, the teacher works with you, individualizing the learning process as much as possible. But you get a number of advantages by working with us:
– We verified in advance the qualifications of each of our specialists and we help improve it
– During the trial lesson, we try to make an ” ideal pair” of teacher and student, ensuring that the teacher will be fitting according to the style of teaching, age, pace of speech and other important features for the student
– We make a schedule and monitor it: there will be no sudden postponements
– We are able to temporarily or permanently replace your teacher with a teacher of the same or higher qualification (for example, a native speaker)


All of our students have free access to our leisure activities: Speaking Club meetings, Movie Club, Mafia game nights, Polish Scrabble. If you can’t manage to take part in said activities, your teacher will recommend you where could you find a good Polish enviorment online.


You can reschedule your lessons if there is a solid reason for that. You just should warn your teacher in advance. The schedule itself is standard: 2-3 times a week. You get to agree on the schedule with your teacher. For those students who have an unstable schedule we choose teachers that are willing to accomodate.


Most of our students work somewhere and have enough time to prepare for the lessons. Our teachers make sure that homework does not take more than an hour.


For you to achieve noticeable results we recommend you to take at least two 50 minute lessons a week. But we do have students that only take a one hour lesson a week. The effectiveness of their studies is on their consciousness.


With our individual lessons, we can set any program according to the needs of the student. In addition to the mentioned, our students often choose to prepare for international exams or language tests, learn to write essays, or set their pronunciation. It’s impossible, for example, to speak horribly, but perceive the Polish speech perfectly.


For individual training, the program is compiled at the request of the listener: teachers are ready to implement any plans. They mostly study general Polish, but specialized courses are also being launched. For example, preparing for international tests, business Polish, or setting pronunciation with a native speaker. As a rule, such requests come from graduates of advanced level groups and corporate clients.


For our lessons we use the professional version of the zoom video conferencing service. It allows our students to see and hear each other, communicate in groups and in pairs, use a chat and a virtual whiteboard, watch videos and listen to audio materials. It completely replaces a real classroom. You will be able to evaluate all the features of our virtual classroom during your trial lesson.


An Internet connection is requiered, but there is no need for a high speed tariff. If you are able to watch videos without delays on your data plan, it means that it will be enough for studying. You will be able to test your internet and set the correct settings during your trial lesson.


It would be preferable if you could attend our lessons with the help of a computer or laptop. It will be easier for you to focus on the lesson. Sometimes a tablet will be able to handle the lessons too. You can use your phone as an additional camera, if your computer lacks one.


Individual classes can be postponed if there is a good reason for it, but you must notify your teacher beforehand.


Of course! We understand that the effectiveness of studying depends very much on the correspondence of the work styles of the teacher and his students, and we would like to help you find the most suitable teacher. The only thing we do not encourage is replacing your teacher without a reason. You can change the teacher during individual lessons, or move to another group, but we would really appreciate if you could explain us the reason behind it.

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