About us

Online Polish language school Polskiapa – effective and inexpensive training, a well–developed branch network and a professional attitude to business allowed us to significantly expand the geography of the school’s clients in a short time. Today we offer to teach Polish comfortably to residents from anywhere in the world.

Our history

What is PolskiPapa?

  • distance learning format — online classes in videoconference mode with a teacher;
  • a large selection of courses for adults and children;
  • experienced teachers;
  • highly qualified specialists who promptly answer students’ questions, inform students about all changes in the educational process and assess their satisfaction with learning;
  • the opportunity to purchase a franchise and open a profitable business, having received support from specialists and the founder of the school;
  • advice on getting an education abroad and assistance in choosing and booking a program;
  • positive feedback from grateful listeners.

What is the difference between studying at PolskiPapa

Education at our school is distinguished primarily by an integrated approach and a thorough analysis of the students’ requests. We regularly conduct surveys of study groups in order to determine their satisfaction with the learning process and identify its shortcomings. Only in this way, as we believe, it is possible to continuously improve the quality of education. The motivation system of the teaching staff, which is financially interested in making you enjoy studying, is also tied to the satisfaction with the educational process. At the same time, we offer decent remuneration to our teachers, which allows us to work only with the best specialists.

школа английского языка

The comfort of our students is also important for us, that is why our schedule is flexible, to accomodate our online lessons to your liking.

Having strong contacts with foreign language schools, we can organize your study abroad at a high level, help with the choice of curriculum, school, tell you about the conditions of study. We offer these services to both individuals and companies wishing to train their staff abroad. At the same time, we do not require commissions and the prices we offer for teaching Polish abroad correspond to the prices of foreign schools.